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178期 與「食」俱進 _三個領域發掘,九種味蕾覺醒

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When we are still children, parents forbid us to play with the food, and want us to eat the food obediently. Now, the designers might subvert their imagination and let people know that food can actually be played in so many ways. For artists and designers, food is not just food, there are more possibilities. In addition to the survival need, food is also a media to connect people; it helps people to exchange emotions, get satisfied, feel the joy. Therefore, food design can be said to be one of the hottest contemporary design trends right now. By applying food in the design, it can encourage people to rethink about the relationship between food and human beings, the environment and society, which is much more complicated than what we think they were. This feature story introduces different cases of food design, allowing you to see the creativity of designers.








Cover Story

006 Calendar 雙月限定

012 Global Snap 全球快閃

Cool Stuffs

008 視覺饗宴 Sapor

010清涼度夏 Cool

Hot Issue Today

014 米蘭衛星沙龍展:參展必知的10件事

Top 10 Tips to Exhibit in Salone Satellite


Fresh Taiwan New Transformation


Taiwan Design Star: anLiving

025 米蘭設計展,台灣設計之星4:楊亦德

Taiwan Design Star: Mr. Sheep

028 台北設計城市展:向上提升的力量

World Design Capital Taipei 2016: The Power that Drives You Upward

030 清華美院:不只教育還要你踏上設計新未來

Tsinghua University: Providing Students Education and Design Opportunities

038 揭開工業設計幕後秘密

Design is Around Us

Hot Issue Tomorrow

040 北京空汙潔淨計畫

Clean Air in Beijing: The SMOG Project by Daan Roosegaarde

042 快手團隊打造Sentri智慧時鐘

Sentri Smart Clock

047 合身如第二層肌膚

Fondue Slipper


050 FOOD SESIGN:關於食物的想像

052 Christine McConnell:用烘焙搞創意

Innovative Baking

056 Nendo:文具搬到餐桌上

Stationary Become Desserts

058 Elsa Lambinet:組合你專屬的味道

Sweet Play

060 科技的甜美果實-3D systems

The Sweetness of Technology

063食物也能印出來-Natural Machines

You Can Print Out the Food

066接近自然的包裝-Tomorrow Machine

This Too Shall Pass

068 未來的和果子-takram design engineering

The Confection of the future

071 禪意新詮釋-心安寺石庭

New Zen

072茶的現代新風貌-XIE XIE

The Modern Tea



Taiwan Design EXPO

078 尋根之旅:2014南島文創設計競賽

Tracing the Roots: Austronesian Cultural and Innovative Design Competition


092 鄒駿昇新刊上架

Page Tsou’s New Publication Hits the Shelves


Fast Forward Your Universe: A Niche Market Identified by Brinno

100 創意瘋人院─Asylum

Source of Innovation



Sky, River, Plants: Bring Nature inside Your Home

114 穿脫外的惜物精神─ThredUp

ThredUp X Collection

116 兩大酒店新據點─ThredUp


122 走向世界:台灣服裝設計師國際發光

Taiwanese Fashion Designers: Walking onto the World Stage


134 品味一夏 TASTE

136 尋味巧禮迎中秋 BOX

Final Glance

140 動物時裝

Miguel Vallinas

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