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[AIC影片分享活動] 紐澳良水平線下的城市

[AIC影片分享活動] 紐澳良水平線下的城市

新紐澳良第九區的居民在卡翠納颶風後許多家園都被摧毀,但當地政府各級官員視而不見他們的困境。本次AIC將透過資料影片的方式告訴大家這些社區領導者致力於災後重建家園,並和著名建築師Bob Berkebile與「Make It Right」綠色重建組織攜手合作,努力使新紐澳良煥然一新。

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the citizens of New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward weren’t about to watch their community disappear, even as government officials at all levels turned a blind eye to their plight. This story profiles community leaders fighting to rebuild the neighborhood sustainably, and the outsiders — including renowned architect Bob Berkebile, and organizations Global Green and Brad Pitt’s Make It Right — who are working to make this possible.

活動時間:2016/02/25 12:00-14:00


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