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法國時尚品牌Sonia Rykiel的藝術總監Julie de Libran,在巴黎聖日耳曼大道上打造一個以快閃店為概念的圖書展示旗艦店。店內集結五萬本藏書,以法國文豪和Sonia Rykiel品牌打入巴黎成衣市場的60、70年代所出版的書籍為主。這個全新的場域概念集結了出版人Thomas Lenthal、藝術家André Saraïva、調香師Daniela Andrier等人的投入,對整個環境進行五感設計,包含背景投影、音樂和香氛,甚至從屋頂灑落的光線及坐落在店內各角落的服飾,讓人瞬眼愛上這個地方。


French fashion brand Sonia Rykiel’s artistic director Julie de Libran built a pop-up book showcase flagship store on Saint-Germain, Paris. It’s a collaboration with artist André Saraïva, publisher-director Thomas Lenthal and her friend, perfumer Daniela Andrier. They created a space full of sensational surprise with aroma, music, the lighting and projection, and of course, 50,000 books comprised. Hard to walk away from such an impressive place without being stunned.

More info in design magazine no.183


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