- General information
- Installation
- How to update
- Install & Import
- Timthumb
- Translation
- APIs Authentication
- Header & Menus
- Posts & Formats
- Review System
- Layouts
- Using Shortcodes
- Building Home Page
- Categories
- Page Templates
- Sidebars & Widgets
What’s Included
multinews.zip – the theme file
child-theme.zip – this allow you to make advanced customization without touch the original theme folder more about child themes
Docs Folder - HTML file link you to online documentation
Dummy content folder – include xml file with sample content include 9 examples for home page, all shortcodes till now, portfolio pages/item examples and more … , it’s very good to start
licensing folder - include the license file but not include the purchase code
Extra folder – include visual composer documentation.
FTP Installation
- Log into your hosting via an FTP software
- unzip multinews.zip you get folder called multinews
- upload multinews folder to your host into wp-content -> themes
- in wordpress dashboard go to appearance -> themes and activate multinews
WordPress Theme isn’t working ? or have a missing stylesheet error?
don’t worry it’s a common issue the fix in here
How to Update
The best way to update is download the new update via themeforest then replace the multinews theme folder with the new one
- go to themeforest -> sign in with your account
- go to downloads and download multinews agian
- login to your host with FTP account go to wp-content -> themes remove multinews folder
- upload the new multinews theme folder instead
How to update the premium plugins
multinews include 1 premium plugins :
- Visual Composer
To update this plugins you must follow this steps :
- When multinews has a new update check the cangelog.txt – if you found update for any premium plugin go to next steps
- Go to plugins -> all plugins -> deactivate the plugin and delete it
- Go to Appearance -> install plugins -> install the plugin again and activate
- That’s it now you have the latest version
Import Sample content – Optional
In this video you will learn how to import my demo site completely into your development site, which give a great start to learn how things work
- download the demo package from here
- follow the next video
Chmod the following folder and files to 777
- framework/timthumb/cache
- framework/timthumb/cache/timthumb_cacheLastCleanTime.touch
If still have a problem with timthumb make sure about this :
- GD library is installed and running properly on your server
- PHP version 5.0 or better
- You have write permissions to the cache folder as explained above
Translate the theme to your language
To translate the theme to your language you need Poedit app.
let’s say you want translate it into Dutch for example in this case our new language code is de_DE you can find all available languages code in the page : http://i18n.svn.wordpress.org/
- in theme folder you will find en_US.po download this file in your PC/MAC
- rename it to your language code in this case it will be de_DE.po
- open it with poedit and translate all strings to your language
- save the file it will generate de_DE.po and de_DE.mo upload this two files to “theme folder/language/”
That’s it
to update your .po file from default.po file
APIs Authentication
This section is very important if you decide to use Social Counter widget, newsletter widget (mailchimp only) or Twitter widget, if you don’t fill this data all this widgets not works
Require for : Twitter widget – Social counter (if you want display twitter followers count)
follow this video to learn how to get Twitter API keys
Require for : News widget -(if you select type mailchimp)
follow this instruction to get mailchimp API
Require for : Social Counter Widget -(if you want display google+ followers count)
follow this video to learn how to get Google API keys
Require for : Social Counter Widget – (if you want display behance followers count)
follow this steps to learn how to get Behance API keys
- Log in with behance account
- Go to https://www.behance.net/dev/apps
Require for : Social Counter Widget – (if you want display Instagram followers count)
To get Instagram Access token go to this link and replace [user_id] with your id
Header and Menus
In this videos you see how to customize the header and add the different mega menus, with simple introduction about advertising system
In this section you will learn how to add the different kind of posts.
Video Post
Audio Post
Review System
Any post can be a review, to create post with review you must follow this steps :
- Create new post
- Under editor you will find box called “Review“
- Set the options
- add Criteria
The video Tutorial
Multinews has Various layout options, you can customize the site layout and each page or post, lets Start
Site Layout
- Go to options -> General settings -> Layout
- what you select in options will be the whole site layout
Page/Post Custom Layout
if you want customize any page or post layout follow this steps :
- add/edit post
- Under the editor you will find box called Page Layout
- select your custom layout
- also you can select custom sidebar(s)
Multinews Provide two different ways to build your home page with editor and with page builder
You can build your Home page from theme options or Creating custom page and use it as home page.
Set custom page as homepage :
Settings -> Reading -> Front page displays , check A static page (select below) -> Front page -> select your page
Single Layout Home Page
Multiple layout home page
In this video you will learn how to customize your categories
Page Templates
- Magazine
- Weather
- Media
- Timeline
- Authors
- Archive
Sidebars & widgets
Multinews has real unlimited sidebars options, you can create unlimited number of sidebars and use it for posts, pages or categories in this instruction i will learn you how to create custom sidebars and use it in any where
To Add custom sidebars go to Appearance -> Unlimited Sidebars and click on + Add Sidebar
You can use custom sidebars for all pages or all posts or all categories from Theme options -> General Settings -> Sidebars Settings
And you can use custom sidebars for each page or post from page layout
And you can use custom sidebars for each category