讀過作家何曼莊走遍許多動物園,對於動物生命價值的思索;還有少年pi的小說提到生在動物園裡的動物,就是要活在動物園對牠們而言才是歸屬。太多的探討牽引出對於動物園的想像。紐約知名建築事務所Bjarke Ingels Group受丹麥Givskud 動物園委託,興建了結合動物園(Zoo)及烏托邦(Utopia)的動物烏托邦Zootopia,以三個獨立的環形象徵非、亞、美三洲,動物不受拘束地生活在這裡,參觀者能以划船、騎單車等形式與動物們自由互動,力求達到人類與動物間的完美和諧。然而這裡真的是動物們的居住天堂,抑或只是滿足人類觀看慾望的介入打擾?希望這個新的建築空間囊括的不只是設計語彙,也能引導人們思考動物園存廢與否的價值。
Writer Nadia Ho has shared her thoughts on the value of animals’ lives after visiting a number of zoos, while the novel Life of Pi suggests that zoos are places of belonging for the animals who have lived inside them since birth. This idea has given rise to numerous discussions and aroused the imagination of the public. Commissioned by the Givskud Zoo in Denmark, renowned New York-based architectural firm Bjarke Ingels Group is currently constructing a new project under the name Zootopia, which literally combines the concepts of zoo and utopia. The design is organized as three separate loops, each representing a different region of the world—Asia, Africa and the Americas—where animals will be able to live unrestricted. To achieve the perfect harmony between humans and animals, visitors will be allowed to interact freely with the animals through boating and cycling. And yet whether will be a habitat heaven for the animals or a mere disturbance to their lives to satisfy the human desire for observation remains debatable. It is hoped this new space will not only speak the language of design but also provoke people to reconsider the existence and abolition of zoos.