德國建築師Frei Otto於今年3月初逝世,促使普立茲克獎評審委員會提早宣布Frei Otto榮獲2015年的普立茲克建築獎的消息。
如果你上網搜尋Frei Otto的作品,結果很可能會是滿螢幕的「屋頂」和「帳篷」,這就是他窮極一生研發的輕型結構,使用金屬支架、鋼絲和能夠承受拉力的薄膜材質所搭建出來的、能遮風避雨的地方。這樣的材質和結構較一般建築方便搭建且成本低,能夠被大量地運用,也算滿足了Frei Otto的心願─幫助無法負擔高額建築成本的窮人。

The winner Famous German architect Frei Otto passed away in early March this year, prompting the Pritzker Prize Committee released the news 2 weeks earlier.
If searching Frei’s work online, “tents” and “roofs” would be full of the sight. This is the “minimal surface” that Frei had devoted to. And it is built by lightweight materials, which cost less and make the construction more convenient, fulfilling Frei’s biggest wish; that is, give the poor a shelter.
More information in design magazine no.183
